Congratulations Maggie On Your 5th Birthday!!!!
Maggie's Birthday was on April 23rd, 2002!

"Howls and Yappy Yappy Birthday Maggie .. May your special day be filled with gifts,
Hugs and Goodies..
Collie {HUGS} Garth and Taylor
Cairn 'WAGS' Duncan and Tasha
Shihtzu 'LICKS' Kahn and Ali"

"Have a great day Maggie, we
will be howling our happy birthday song along with all the others.
Our wishes for a pawsitively grrrrr-8 day.
Your Dog Friends, Gabby and KaCee"

"Miss Tuxie Girl sends very special birthday greetings from Montgomery,
I hope your special day is full of fun and games, presents and treats,
and lots of belly rubs.
Have a ggggrrrreat birthday!
(((HUGS))) from Tux"

"Happy Birthday, Maggie!
It's great sharing the same birthday as you!
Make sure
you get all the doggie treats you could ever want.
Have a great day!
Katie (and Brandy)"
"Hippo Birdie two ewe
Hippo Birdie two ewe
Hippo Birdie deer ewe...
Hippo Birdie two ewe!
Happy Happy Birthday, Maggie!
Angel and Daisy"

Have a blessed day!
May God Bless You!
and Abby"

"Have a great day, Maggie!
LOL (lots of love)
Anne & The Badass"